Real Estate Industry Partners

Mullaley NSW 2379


  • Fri 23 June @ 11AM 23/06/2017 11:00 AM 23/06/2017 11:00 AM Australia/Sydney Auction for Mullaley NSW 2379 Mullaley NSW 2379 Elders NSW Regional false DD/MM/YYYY


Overdraft Aggregation - A highly productive cropping enterprise in the rich Liverpool Plains

Prime agricultural cropping country 30km from Mullaley in the renowned Liverpool Plains with rich basalt soils suited to summer and winter cropping. In a reliable rainfall belt of 600-650mm per annum (BOM), combining to produce a variety of crops including cereals, oilseeds, sorghum and cotton. Sown winter crops will be offered with the sale providing a great opportunity to purchase a very well managed farm in one of the country’s most highly productive regions. Approximately 95% arable dryland cultivation, well improved with large grain storage capacity with 3 grain sheds, 21 silos, shedding, workshops, 5 equipped bores, shearing shed and cattle yards. Comfortable living with a homestead plus 2 other homes.
Auction 11am Friday 23 June 2017. Selling agents Ian McArthur 0429 431519 and Richard Gemmell 0428 164672.

Property Details

  • Type: Cropping

Elders NSW Regional

37 Bourke Street, Dubbo NSW 2830

02 6883 1800