Real Estate Industry Partners

1719 Pilton Valley Road, Clifton QLD 4361

Buyer interest above $1,000,000

Whispering Hollow-Pilton Valley

Location: An exceptional opportunity in the highly sought after Pilton Valley, "Whispering Hollow" is a charming rural acreage property centrally located near Clifton, Toowoomba, Warwick, and easy commute to Brisbane. With convenient access via Pilton Valley Road, this property combines country appeal and mixed farming opportunity with prime connectivity to major centres.

35 kms* East of Clifton
62 kms* South of Toowoomba
64 kms* North East of Warwick
159 kms* West of Brisbane

Services: Mail-Mon-Fri, 17Kms* Pilton Primary School, 3 Phase mains power bisects the property.

RPD and Area: Lot 1691 Plan A34934

229.8 hectares* (567.9 acres*)

Country: This superbly positioned acreage property boasts frontage to King Creek, with fertile creek flats that gradually rise to an elevated area featuring 90 acres* of contoured cultivation and sweeping views across the valley and the stunning Great Dividing Ranges.The cultivated area is complemented by light Ironbark and Mountain Coolibah trees with a mix of Chocolate to Red loam Soil types with cleared tracks for easy access, along with a diverse mix of native and improved pastures. Securely fenced on all four sides, this property offers a remarkable combination of mixed farming productivity and natural beauty.

Improvements: Nil

Fencing: "Whispering Hollow" is fenced into Two paddocks, one grazing paddock and one cultivation paddock- Timber & steel posts, 4 Barb, fencing is in good condition.

Water: Semi permanent Creek (King Creek) Stock Bore equipped with Windmill, Approximately 133ft/40m deep, reticulating to a 5000 Gallon poly tank & Concrete trough.

'Whispering Hollow' is a well located property with bitumen and gravel road access with well established pastures for grazing/fattening, good fencing throughout, Windmill bore, poly tank, and concrete water troughs with 90*acres of contoured cultivation, multiple elevated building sites, with Three Phase mains power running through the centre of the property with creek flats along Kings Creek.

Carrying Capacity: Owner estimates property could run 50* cows & calves in normal season conditions.

Price: Buyer interest above $1,000,000

Inspection: By appointment

Jonny Arkins 0409 052 584
Matt Cleary 0428 987 340


Property Details

  • Type: MixedFarming
Ray White Rural Toowoomba

Ray White Rural Toowoomba

Tenancy 4, 580-588 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350

+61 (7) 4688 4400