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$700 Week
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Ray White Cairns South offers a 12 month lease on this first-class, low maintenance home positioned in the established Mount Peter Estate only minutes to Mackillop Catholic College, Day Care Centres, parks, shopping and 20 minutes to Cairns City. Ideally positioned, this 4 bedroom home would suit couples and families alike.
The home features:
. Master bedroom with walk in-robe and ensuite
. Three more bedrooms, each with built-in wardrobes
. Family bathroom with separate shower and bath
. Internal laundry with linen closet
. Kitchen: dual sinks, gas cooktop, electric oven, pantry, dishwasher, large fridge space
. Rear undercover & tiled patio and entertaining area
. Fully air conditioned
. Fully tiled
. Double remote garage with internal access
. Fully fenced
. Easy to maintain lawns and gardens
. Not wheelchair accessible
. Pets on application
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© The State of Queensland (Dept. of Natural Resources and Mines) September 2017. Based on data provided with the permission of the Dept. of Natural Resources and Mines: (QVAS) September 2017. The Dept. of Natural Resources and Mines makes no representations or warranties about accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability of the data for any particular purpose and disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which might be incurred as a result of the data being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.
151 Bruce Highway, Edmonton QLD 4869
Call Danelle Ehrke on
(07) 4045 9700
House in Mount Peter, Unit in Mount Peter, Townhouse in Mount Peter, Villa in Mount Peter, Apartment in Mount Peter, Flat in Mount Peter, Studio in Mount Peter, Warehouse in Mount Peter, Duplex/Semi-detached in Mount Peter, Alpine in Mount Peter, Acreage/Semi-rural in Mount Peter, Block Of Units in Mount Peter, Terrace in Mount Peter, Retirement in Mount Peter, Serviced Apartment in Mount Peter, Other in Mount Peter
House in Edmonton, House in Gordonvale, House in Lamb Range, House in Wrights Creek